Let's face it – many
business presentations are as stimulating as a freshman accounting
class lecture without the incentive of seeing the material on a test.
Or it sounds like a late-night infomercial.
I've spent lots of time in
the audience, in front
of the room, and behind
the scenes prepping presenters for events; I find these 10 key
elements are common to outstanding bright-star presentations. They
- 4Ps – Plan what you want to accomplish; Prep based on that goal; Practice content, flow, and timing; Present Brilliantly – be there and fully engaged
- Integrity – Descriptions and teasers about the program and what you present must match; promoting one thing and presenting something different lacks integrity
- Me – Your bio, profile, Google+ Page, and the MC's introduction tells all about you – only talk about you IF the point makes you more memorable
- Visuals – If you have to say “you probably can't read this...” you are in the weeds! Less is better; cartoons & caricatures create more impact than facts – numbers – charts. Anything complex or useful as a resource is best given as a reference or URL in an handout – with only a concise abstract of pertinent items shown on the screen
- Talk – Presenting is a form of conversation – talk with the audience; try not to read to them or from the screen; after all, if you read them your book from the stage, they won't buy it
- Interactive – If possible, make the session interactive to get thoughts and experiences from the audience – have them be an active part of the program instead of just observers
- Lily Pads – Robin Williams used an analogy about frogs jumping between lily pads to describe comic delivery – same applies presentations: don't spoon feed the audience; give the audience the concepts that require a mental leap to follow, but don't have the gap so wide they miss the next lily pad
- Stories – Reference your experts sparingly – people came to hear your thoughts; share them through your stories of experiences and results
- End Promptly - End on time – not when your material runs out – an hour session is about 40 minutes of presenter time; the balance is for questions and the unexpected
- Continue the Conversation – Give your audience a place to offer comments about the presentation - “the best thing they learned.” Sharing extends the reach of the program and your visibility (also adds to legend of the event – Meet-up, an event managing social media tool, uses a comment board system to let attendees rate the event and give highlights & comments – which helps validate the better programs).
A live event is always unique and often a bit
unpredictable. These elements help manage the unexpected and are a
key to giving a shining-star, memorable performance.
others you want to add?